To reduce the number of part numbers shown in the table, we usually only show the “base” part numbers—motors with the lowest cost options for encoder resolution, shaft diameter, shaft seal, and firmware type. These options don’t affect the performance data shown in the table (only the price), so they are hidden by default.
If you want to show every part number (there are a lot!), check the box below. This is only recommended if you are trying to search for a specific part number in the table and can’t find it.
Click here for a more detailed Part Number Key
The MC-series is the easiest way to get high-performance motion control. Select one of thirteen operation modes, and control position, velocity, or torque with just simple digital signals.
Control with simple switches, sensors, or programmable devices like microcontrollers or PLCs.
If you have a PLC, indexer, or a CNC controller with step & direction (or quadrature A/B) outputs, you can use ClearPath-SD to get servo-controlled performance in a compact, low-cost package.
ClearPath-SD is also an easy upgrade over stepper motors giving you smoother, quieter, and more precise closed-loop motion.
Get full software control of ClearPath with the SC-series. Change motion parameters, capture encoder position, get diagnostic data, and more.
Rich, intuitive C++ library makes programming easy and efficient. Download for free.
Using a third-party, EtherCAT master controller, you can synchronize dozens, even hundreds of ClearPath-EC servo motor systems with sub-millisecond precision over an entire factory floor. And you can easily add other EtherCAT devices (e.g., I/O, vision, and third-party motor drives) as needed, giving you maximum flexibility.
This column displays the motor's optimal voltage(s), along with other common operating voltages.
ClearPath input voltage ranges:
You can see how choosing a voltage other than that of the optimal voltage affects performance.
The selection dropdown emphasizes the optimal voltage for fractional hp (75 VDC) and integral hp (230 VAC 3-ph) ClearPath motors, as shown below:
Additionally, the optimal specs for each motor are emphasized in the table, as shown below:
Pricing at Teknic for all of our products is fixed and based on the quantity purchased. Volume pricing through the 100-199 price tier can be seen on the website. Additional volume discounts (200+ pieces), can be found by contacting Teknic directly.
Peak power is defined as the product of the motor’s peak torque times the maximum rotational speed at that peak torque. A motor’s peak power usually occurs at the “knee” of a torque/speed curve (at the point where the torque starts to fall off due to voltage limitations). Like peak torque, peak power is available for a few seconds (application dependent).
Peak torque is the maximum torque that a motor can deliver for a few seconds at a specific speed (application dependent). Consult the torque speed curves by model for detailed information.
Continuous torque is the maximum torque that a motor can deliver, indefinitely, at a specific speed. Consult the torque speed curves by model for detailed information.
Continuous Power is defined as the product of the motor’s continuous torque times the maximum rotational speed at that continuous torque. A motor’s continuous power is available indefinitely, and usually occurs at the “knee” of a continuous torque/speed curve (at the point where the torque starts to fall off due to voltage limitations).
The NEMA (National Electrical Manufacturers Association) standard frame sizes define specific characteristics (typically mechanical) about a motor or motor family.
These specifications include faceplate dimensions, pilot diameter, as well as mounting patterns, to name a few.
Generally speaking, a larger NEMA frame size indicates a physically larger and more powerful family of motors.
*Note that the *D100 is actually an IEC (metric) standard.
All motor dimensions, including 2D and 3D solids, can be accessed via the Downloads section of the web site or by navigating to a particular motor model information page.
All ClearPath motors are grouped into various power classes. The lowest-power motors start at under 50W, but there are available motors all the way up to 4hp continuous. Use this column to display motors with a similar continuous power rating.