Analog Send Unit
Part Number: ASU-FR510
Connectors: Molex Mini-fit (8, 4 and 2-pin)
Dimensions, in (mm): 4.63 (117.6) x 2.09 (53.1) x 1.45 (36.8)
DC Input Power: 15-30 VDC

Need to use analog control signals? For maximum noise immunity, ClearPath-MC natively uses digital control signals, but this “Analog Send Unit” (ASU) allows you to use analog control signals (0-10V or 4-20mA) while minimizing associated noise issues. The ASU converts analog signals to digital signals compatible with ClearPath-MC, so you won't have noise corruption. Just locate the ASU as close as possible to your analog source and send the accurately converted digital signals to ClearPath's optically isolated inputs for high-fidelity control.
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